TCPA Compliance Can Be Easy - with SecureContact!
Nothing racks up attorney’s fees faster (or gives you a bigger headache) than when you call people you can’t prove asked you to. Your compliance officer calls it “proof of consent” and if you don’t want to get slapped with a TCPA violation, you need it yesterday.
Find out how SecureContact can help you and then get in touch to get started!
SecureContact Reduces Risk of Litigation
Fraudulent leads typically use real information from hacks and data breaches that are bought and sold on the dark web. Because the actual person did not submit the lead, contacting them is a TCPA violation – and those fines can get expensive fast. SecureContact makes sure that you can prove that everyone you contact asked you to.
And Provides Evidence That They Asked You to Call
When a human user fills out a form, all their interactions are recorded and turned into an action-replay movie. If they ever dispute that they requested a call, you have that video PLUS other meta-data like device type, timestamp, browser engine, and so on as proof that they asked you to contact them. Your compliance officer calls it “proof of consent” and it keeps you out of legal trouble.
Want to see what it looks like? Just keep scrolling down and you’ll see!
Since Speed to Lead is Essential, SecureContact Reports in Real-Time
SecureContact sends you your evidence within seconds. That means that you’ll only be calling real leads from now on, saving you time and effort.
And Minimizes the Risk You Get with Purchased Leads
Your lead generation affiliates get traffic from multiple sources. If any one of those sources has fraudulent traffic, your leads could be fraudulent. Remember, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. SecureContact gives you the strength of security.