To make sure that the time you spent listening has lasting results, we are offering a risk-free 30-day trial of SecureContact for a limited time! Test drive our proof of consent product in the next 2 weeks and see how easy it can be to make sure you get the proof you need that someone asked you to call them. Remember, it’s easy to get fined if you don’t have the proof – and with fraud on the rise more than ever, it’s what you need for peace of mind.
To get started, just:
Sign up
Receive a line of SecureContact custom code and simple set-up instructions
Cut and paste your SecureContact tag into the page you want to monitor
Start getting the proof you need so you can start calling. You’ll see right away how it saves you from headaches while saving you money!
Setting up your SecureContact is quick and it starts working immediately.
Just fill out this form to get started.
Once your trial is through, you can continue using our product or uninstall it. If you need an API or more sophisticated solution for higher volumes of form submissions, we can get you set up so you can enjoy proof of consent real-time streaming.
Find out more about our enterprise solution here!